Fact Sheets
For Providers
Patient Visit Checklist: Supporting Your Patients with High Blood Pressure
Effective provider-patient communication improves health outcomes and saves time. Use this checklist with sample questions to communicate better with your patients during every visit.
Million Hearts® Cardiac Rehabilitation: Saving Lives, Restoring Health, Preventing Disease
Learn about challenges in the existing cardiac rehabilitation infrastructure, as well as strategies needed to maximize uptake of programs in the United States.
Improving Medication Adherence Among Patients with Hypertension
Medication adherence is critical to successful hypertension control for most patients. Find out how you can help.
High Blood Pressure: Medicines to Help You
This booklet from the Food and Drug Administration’s Office on Women’s Health lists every medicine approved to treat high blood pressure, along with side effects, warnings, and other information. The booklet is designed to initiate conversations between providers and patients.
Community Health Workers and Million Hearts®
Los promotores de salud y la iniciativa Million Hearts®
Community health workers can play a key role in team-based care for patients with chronic diseases, particularly for individuals facing health disparities.
View the fact sheet (English) [PDF – 279 KB]
View the fact sheet (Spanish) [PDF – 402 KB]
For Patients
The Scoop on Statins: What Do You Need to Know?
Share this one-page version with patients who need to know the benefits and risks of statins, how statins work, and who should be using them. This Q&A also includes resources for more information.
ABCS for Heart Health
This easy-to-understand fact sheet about the ABCS of heart health (Aspirin when appropriate, Blood pressure control, Cholesterol management, and Smoking cessation).
How to Make Control Your Goal
Cómo hacer que controlarla sea su meta
Share these hypertension control tip sheets with your patients to encourage them to make control their goal.
View the fact sheet (General) [PDF – 1 MB]
View the fact sheet (Spanish) [PDF – 516 KB]
View the fact sheet (African Americans) [PDF – 706 KB]
Supporting Your Loved One with High Blood Pressure
Cómo apoyar a un ser querido con presión arterial alta
Caregivers and family members play an important role in keeping hypertension under control.
View the fact sheet (General) [PDF – 550 KB]
View the fact sheet (Spanish) [PDF – 684 KB]
View the fact sheet (African Americans) [PDF – 649 KB]
Additional Resources
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers more consumer-friendly fact sheets about:
Visit Learn & Prevent to find more easy-to-understand information about heart disease and stroke.