Partner Testimonials

Million Hearts® partners are working hard to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes within the next 5 years.

Get inspired by these Million Hearts® partners and learn about their important work to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Are you already a Million Hearts® partner? Share a testimonial about what inspires you to partner with Million Hearts® by emailing

American Hospital Association

AHA partner testimonial

Eisenhower Health

Eisenhower Health is focusing on remote patient monitoring for hypertension and heart failure as one of its key strategies.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

HRSA will continue to partner with and support Million Hearts 2027

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD)

NACDD partner testimonial

National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)

NACHC partner testimonial
NACHC contributes to the goal of preventing cardiovascular events and saving lives with the support of Million Hearts.
Every day NACHC health center teams help to prevent cardiac events and strokes utilizing Million Hearts protocols.

The Ohio State University

Ohio State University partner testimonial


Read more about why the Ohio State University and Wexner Medical Center was recognized as a Million Hearts® Health System.

Preventative Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA)

Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association has collaborated with Million Hearts to control hypertension and improve cardiovascular health.

Quality Insights

Over the years Quality Insights has assisted three practices in achieving recognition as Hypertension Control Champs.