Cardiac Rehabilitation At A Glance

36 one-hour sessions: Supervised exercise; Patient counseling; Nutritional and lifestyle education.

What are the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation?

  • Individuals who attend 36 sessions have a 47% lower risk of death and a 31% lower risk of heart attack than those who attend only 1 session.
  • Health systems save $4,950 to $9,200 per person per year of life saved.
  • Cardiac rehab participation also reduces hospital readmissions.
Group of people

Who can benefit but is not being referred?

  • Minority status predicts lower referral and participation rates.
  • Women, minorities, older people, and those with other medical conditions are under-referred to cardiac rehab.
  • One of the best predictors of cardiac rehab referral is whether the eligible person speaks English. Asian Americans are 18 times more likely than white people to speak limited English.
  • Black women are 60% less likely than white women to be referred and enroll in cardiac rehab programs.
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What improves cardiac rehab referral rates?

  • Automatic, systematic referral to cardiac rehab at discharge can help connect eligible people with these programs.
  • Strong coordination among inpatient, home health, and outpatient cardiac rehab programs boosts referral rates as well as participation rates and outcomes.
  • Patients’ medical teams and families can support and encourage participation in cardiac rehab programs.
  • Awareness campaigns should be aimed at people and caregivers.
Hour glass

What are the barriers to cardiac rehabilitation participation and completion?

  • Longer wait times following discharge reduce cardiac rehab enrollment.
  • For every day a person waits to start cardiac rehab, that person is 1% less likely to enroll.
  • People who live outside of metropolitan areas are 30% less likely to participate in cardiac rehab programs.
  • People who make more than $75,000 per year are twice as likely to participate as individuals with annual incomes below $15,000.
  • Race matters:
Cardiac Rehab Participation Rates by Race: 19.6 percent of eligible white patients participate; 7.8 percent of eligible black patients participate.
Lack of Diversity in Cardiac Rehab Programs: 29 percent are minority populations in the US; Minority cardiac rehab professionals are 4 percent.

How do health systems eliminate barriers to cardiac rehabilitation participation and completion?

  • The greatest predictor of participation is the strength of the physician’s recommendation.
  • Reduce the interval between hospital discharge and cardiac rehab program orientation by formalizing enrollment practices.
  • Support participation in cardiac rehab through community health workers, home health aides, and visiting nurses.
  • Design culturally and linguistically appropriate programs.
  • Increase use of translation services by physicians and participants.
  • Ensure access to services through transportation options and extended hours.
  • Where possible, reduce or eliminate financial burden on cardiac rehab participants.
  • Diversify cardiac rehab teams.
  • Research shows that minority physicians are more likely than white physicians to care for minority, low-income, uninsured, and underserved people.
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What other strategies and delivery models could help cardiac rehabilitation uptake?

  • Create web-based or home-based programs in rural areas.
  • Develop telemedicine-monitored cardiac rehab programs for people unable to access traditional programs.
  • For people unable to attend all 36 sessions in a cardiac rehab facility, conduct baseline assessment in a cardiac rehab clinic followed by a nurse-monitored home exercise program.
  • Reward eligible people for completing cardiac rehab programs.
  • Reward programs with high completion rates.
  • Share best practices and lessons learned, including innovations.

A Limited Capacity Limits the Number of Eligible People Served

Complicating the story of program capacity are the geographic variations in the number of

  • Cardiac rehab programs
  • Eligible people
  • Referred and participating people

Although cardiac rehab programs are underutilized, some fear that the existing number of programs would be insufficient to serve all eligible people.

Cardiac Rehabilitation infographic.

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View Million Hearts® Cardiac Rehabilitation: Saving Lives, Restoring Health, Preventing Disease [PDF – 514 KB]

Additional Resources

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
    Learn about what cardiac rehabilitation involves and why patients who have had a cardiac event should incorporate cardiac rehabilitation into their lives. This page also has a list of tools for clinicians, cardiac rehabilitation teams, and patients, including key publications and guidelines on the subject.
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation: Change Package
    This change package is a quality improvement tool to help teams from hospitals and cardiac rehabilitation programs put systems and strategies in place that target improved care for more eligible patients. It presents a listing of process improvements that cardiac rehabilitation champions can implement and includes change concepts, change ideas, and tools and resources.
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Communications Kit
    This communications kit will equip your organization with resources and messages to spread awareness about the value of cardiac rehabilitation and solutions for increasing participation.
  • Million Hearts® #CardiacRehabChat Twitter Moments
    Explore resources for improving enrollment, engagement, and adherence shared during our #CardiacRehabChat series.
Page last reviewed: May 28, 2020