Success Story: 2020 Hypertension Control Champions
Celebrating the 2020 Champions
The Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Challenge recognizes clinicians, health systems and practices, and community health centers that have demonstrated exceptional achievements in working with their patients to control hypertension.

In case you missed it, watch the Facebook virtual event to learn about the strategies the 2020 Champions used to achieve hypertension control success!
In October 2020, Million Hearts® named 15 solo practitioners, health care practices, and community health centers as Hypertension Control Champions for achieving blood pressure control among at least 80% of their patients with hypertension.
On February 24, 2021, Million Hearts® hosted a virtual event on Facebook to celebrate the achievements of the 2020 Champions. Laurence Sperling, MD, executive director of Million Hearts®, moderated a panel discussion with three 2020 Champions:
- Bon Secours Charity Health System Medical Group, PC (Suffern, New York)
- PrairieStar Health Center (Hutchinson, Kansas)
- Saulius J. Skeivys, MD, PC (Woodside, New York)
The Champions highlighted their most effective hypertension control strategies and discussed how they were navigating blood pressure control during uncertain times. Dr. Sperling and Karen Hacker, MD, MPH, director of CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, acknowledged the Champions’ dedication to improving cardiovascular health and encouraged them to continue their excellent work in saving lives through blood pressure control during a difficult year.
Hypertension Control Strategies
The 2020 Hypertension Control Champions used the following strategies to help control their patients’ blood pressure.
Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring

Delaware Primary Care, LLC, of Dover, Delaware, asked patients to come into the office frequently for blood pressure monitoring and check-ups. They also provided home monitoring equipment for the patients who needed it most and enrolled some patients in a chronic care management program.

“Accurate home monitoring is the key!”
—Deepanshu Garg, MD, MBA, Med-Cure Internal Medicine, Plc, Goodyear, Arizona
Team-Based Care

“We believe in team-based care in managing chronic conditions. Our care teams include providers, nurses, medical assistants, RN health coaches, behavioral health case managers, community health workers, and clinical pharmacists.”
—Siouxland Community Health Center of Sioux City, Iowa, and South Sioux City, Nebraska

“Many of our diabetic patients also deal with hypertension. Northeast Missouri Health Council utilizes diabetes educators and nurse care managers to work with patients on managing their hypertension through lifestyle modifications/interventions.”
—Northeast Missouri Health Council of Kirksville, Missouri*

Bon Secours Charity Health System of Suffern, New York, focused on medication adherence, patient engagement and outreach, and health IT. Watch the Facebook virtual event with Bon Secours Charity Health System.

“We work closely with insurance companies and pharmacies to ensure medication adherence, send out appointment reminders for follow-up visits, closely monitor lab work to monitor for signs of organ damage, and encourage lifestyle modifications.”
—Chota Community Health Services of Madisonville, Tennessee*
Community Outreach

“Our most effective hypertension control strategy is integrated relationship-based care. We engage with patients to foster motivation for their own change to accomplish improved health.”
—Maple City Health Care Center, Goshen, Indiana*

PrairieStar Health Center of Hutchinson, Kansas,* enlisted behavioral health consultants to discover and assist patients with lifestyle modifications. The center asked patients questions about lifestyle choices that could affect cardiovascular health, such as coffee and alcohol consumption or tobacco use, and considered patients’ social determinants of health. Watch the Facebook virtual event with PrairieStar Health Center.

I create a partnership with my patients where we can figure out and tailor the best treatment for them. I like to create a healthy support system for my patients.”
—Christi Busenbark, NP, Valley Professionals Community Health Center, Bloomingdale, Indiana*

Valley Professionals Community Health Center of Rockville, Indiana,* tailored treatment options to specific patient needs.

Saulius Skeivys, MD, PC, of Woodside, New York, focused on underserved and priority populations by explaining hypertension in ways that are easy to understand, providing his patients with educational resources, and rechecking patient blood pressure multiple times when it measured high. Watch the Facebook Live panel discussion with Dr. Skeivys.
Improved Clinical Protocols

“We’re constantly training and retraining our clinical teams on the proper technique for measuring blood pressure, on the rechecking of blood pressures that are higher, and on our clinical protocols that include close follow-up for patients who have validated higher readings.”
—Miami Beach Community Health Center, Miami, Florida*
Million Hearts® also recognized La Clínica Tepeyac, Inc., of Denver, Colorado, and Daysi Baez, MD, PC, of Rego Park, New York, as 2020 Hypertension Control Champions. Visit the Hypertension Control Champions website to see a full list of current and past Hypertension Control Champions by state.
*Denotes a health care organization that is or includes a health center funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).