Jessie Trice Community Health System

2021 Hypertension Control Exemplar

To help patients control their hypertension during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jessie Trice Community Health System (JTCHS) set up a drive-through hypertension clinic and implemented a self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) monitoring platform.

Million Hearts® recognizes JTCHS, located in Miami, Florida, as a Hypertension Control Exemplar for their outstanding efforts to prioritize hypertension treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Successful Strategies

JTCHS serves more than 45,000 patients every year; 47% of their patients have uncontrolled hypertension. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, JTCHS saw a decrease in the number of patients with their hypertension under control.

To help more patients manage their hypertension especially those with diabetes, JTCHS established a drive-through clinic where patients could get their hemoglobin A1C tested and blood pressure measured.

JTCHS also implemented an SMBP monitoring program. Patients were given Bluetooth-enabled devices that made it possible for them to take their blood pressure readings at home and have these readings transmitted securely back to JTCHS and automatically saved in their medical records. JTCHS staff could review the SMBP data and, if needed, adjust a patient’s medication or request an in-person visit.

JTCHS also made it possible for patients to get additional support through virtual small groups. In these groups, patients could talk with behavioral health experts, nutritionists, medicine management specialists, and pharmacy staff.

Jesse Trice used a drive-through clinic and remote monitoring during the pandemic to help patients control their hypertension

“The hypertension initiative with remote blood pressure monitoring has given us an additional view into our patients’ lives. This has enabled our patients, along with providers, to better manage their health. This system works and fulfills our mission of improving quality of life and achieving health equity for all by providing access to innovative, quality health care.

It is our goal to ensure that all of our hypertensive patients gain control of their blood pressure and ultimately their lifestyle.”

Darline Francois, APRN, diabetic and hypertension leader, Jessie Trice Community Health System


Million Hearts® applauds JTCHS for making lasting changes in their patients’ lives and thanks them for their commitment to cardiovascular care!

Implement Hypertension Control Strategies

Health care professionals can use these SMBP resources to help patients achieve hypertension control.

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Million Hearts Exemplar Jessie Trice Community Health System
Page last reviewed: December 7, 2021